Cambourne-Cambridge Busway

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The City Deal has proposed a new busway ("Option 3") between Cambourne and Cambridge carving a new right-of-way through the fields between West Cambridge and Cambourne.

  • The City Deal established a Local Liaison Forum with members of the public and various stakeholders in order to work on the various issues related to the scheme and engage with the public.
  • The members of the Local Liaison Forum are mainly opposed to carving a new right-of-way through the fields and have advanced a new proposal.
  • All proposals would improve public transport, the question is how, and what effects those proposals might have on walking & cycling links.

Local Liaison Forum proposal

  • Members of the forum have proposed an alternative plan ("Option 6") using Madingley Road (A1303) instead of a new busway through the West Fields:
  • It is unclear what the impact of this proposal would be on the Madingley Road / A1303 shared-use path for walking and cycling. There are several sections to be considered:
    • West of Madingley Mulch Roundabout
    • Between the Madingley Mulch Roundabout and the M11
    • East of the M11 to J.J. Thomson Ave
    • J.J. Thomson Ave to the city centre
  • The Option 6 proposal calls for a "dedicated cycle route" from West Cambridge to the city centre but does not specify where this dedicated cycle route would be placed.
  • These questions require further answers...

Smarter Cambridge Transport proposal