Archived FMRI pipeline

From Brain Mapping Unit
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About fMRI data and file types

Raw fMRI data is saved in .dcm (dicom) files. Typically these .dcm files correspond to individual slices, and the resulting 3D image (or a time-series of 3D images) is saved in a .nii (nifti) file. Raw dicom files can be transformed into nifti format using SPM (a MATLAB software package implementing Statistical Parametric Mapping for neuroimaging data) or other software such as MRIcro.

Note that, when handling neuroimaging data, you need to take special care that the orientation of the images is correct.

Preprocessing in SPM

In what follows, we describe the broad stages of fMRI preprocessing, and how they are implemented in SPM:

Load the data

Slice-timing Correction

Rigid body Correction

Registration to Standard Space

This is the 'Normalize' option in SPM. Chose source image, template (EPI), method, image size, voxel size (2x2x2).

Regressing out head motion, CSF, white matter & physiological signals

In SPM, this is done under '1st level analysis' -> 'Data and design' -> 'Multiple regression'.


Wavelet Decomposition

The question of smoothing

Required before VBM. Important for finding activations regions. Not used when parcellating (for network analysis).

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