Lab meeting

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General information

This is a wiki page for the BMU lab meeting. Please edit as required!

We meet in the BCNI seminar room every Tuesday from 11am to 12noon, except for the last Tuesday of the month because there is (usually) a Cambridge Connectome Consortium talk from 11am to 1pm at the CBU.

On the first Tuesday of the month we have a presentation. Please contact Manfred Kitzbichler ( if you'd like to give us an update on your work. Everyone is encouraged to share their analyses - the talks are supposed to be low key with helpful, constructive discussion, not terrifying plenary sessions!

On the second Tuesday of the month we will discuss a paper as a journal club. Each attendee is asked to put their name in a hat and a name is drawn at random to give a brief precis of one of the figures in the paper. If there are 4 figures in the paper, we will draw 4 names to lead the discussion, one figure at a time in published order. The point is to encourage everyone to participate (and not as a test of who understood the science best!) and journal clubs are most useful if you consider how to integrate the findings from the paper into the lab's work in general, rather than tearing it apart!

Here's a great paper on Ten Simple Rules for a Bioinformatics Journal Club if you're looking for inspiration on how to make the BMU's meetings even more effective!

On the third Tuesday of the month we will have a status update from everyone. Please bring along a figure or a slide as a visual aid if you can.

On the fourth Tuesday we'll be at the CCC talk (as described above) or we'll make a plan on the fly.


See also the BMU lab meeting calendar.

Past and future presentations

Date Speaker Topic
12 April 2016 Jan Stochl Networks of item level behavioural data: Interpretations and challenges
3 May 2016 Simon White (Bayesian) statistics in neuroimaging
17 May 2016 Ioannis Pappas
Max Shinn
Entropy of functional connectivity networks under sedation
Versatility: a nodal metric to quantify ambiguity in modular classification
24 May 2016 Frantisek Modelling effects of lesions on dynamics in cortical networks
Jordi TBD
Richard TBD

Journal club papers