Jussi Parikka

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Jussi is Reader in Media and Design at the University of Southampton (Winchester School of Art). He was the founding director of the research centre CoDE - Cultures of the Digital Economy - at Anglia Ruskin University.

He is interested in the interactions of art, science, technology and philosophy, and also topics related to politics (of production) and aesthetics in digital network culture. His books include Digital Contagions: A Media Archaeology of Computer Viruses (2007), Insect Media (2010) and the forthcoming Media Archaeology and Digital Culture (2012). He has co-edited such books as The Spam Book: On Porn, Viruses and Other Anomalous Objects from the Dark Side of Digital Culture (2009) and Media Archaeology (2011). Homepage and blog: http://jussiparikka.net .

Crucible Theme: Critical theory