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MEICA and Tedana

The following pipeline describes processing steps for multi-echo ICA (ME-ICA) data, as agreed by Manfred, Frantisek and others in May 2018. This is the pipeline applied to NSPN and BioDep projects.

The ME-ICA script to be run is located on the BCNI server at: "/home/rr480/Code/MATLAB/fMRI/MEICA/meica_manfred_2018_05_10/". This includes the following options (some of which are specific to NSPN data):

   -d 'echo[1,2,3].nii'  
   -a 'brainmask.nii' 
   -e 13.0,30.55,48.1 
   -b 15s 
   --no_skullstrip --OVERWRITE