Ab Initio Software

From Computer Laboratory Group Design Projects
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Contact for 2021:

Lauren Robinson <LRobinson@ABINITIO.com>

Potential Client: Arlen Anderson or Owen Astley

The impact of school bubbles on the spread of Covid-19

Across the UK students have gone back to school amid the pandemic and instead of social distancing schools are using year-group "bubbles" to mitigate spread of covid-19. Students however go home to families where their siblings are in other year-group bubbles while their parents are social distancing among the general population. Write an application to model and visualize the mixing of infection between the general, parent and student populations, taking into consideration bubble size, classroom density, a variable infection rate based on duration of exposure and social distance, and parental risks of exposure in the workplace and in daily life (shopping, gym, restaurants/pubs/nightlife, etc). Investigate the impact and effectiveness of contact tracing and self-isolation in the context of the school bubble model.