Digital Sheet Music Viewer

From Computer Laboratory Group Design Projects
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Client: Andrew Knights, Cambridge Consultants <>

A musical score is in effect a single line of n bars. Lines, pages, and to some extent repeat markers appear due to the score being printed on a page. Your task is to design software that allows a user to have complete freedom to arrange a musical score on their chosen display (be it a laptop, tablet, mobile-phone, or projector) in a format that best suits that display and their needs. Starting with a free digital format of the score, the software should allow users to manipulate on-screen scaling, rearrange the score layout using drag & drop of bars, automatically advance in a way that doesn't interrupt play, and supports annotation by one or more users. Ideally, it should be possible to capture the score using OCR from a scan of a paper copy. And of course, when playing in a group, it would be preferable to synchronise all of these functions across the screens used by multiple players.