Service Desk Knowledgebase: Wireless Network Access

From Computer Laboratory System Administration
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This is the Wireless Network Access content page of the CL Wiki Service Desk Knowledgebase. Its purpose is to provide information to the Service Desk team on how to handle problems and requests about this CL service. If you are involved with the provision of this CL service please feel free to add to the knowledge about that it.

If CL staff need to tell the Service Desk team about problems with this service please email

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Key Service Description & URLs

CL Customer Documentation

William Gates Building Floor Plans (inc. Room Codes):

Further CL Sys-Admin Resources

Underpinning Services

  • The Computer Lab has the following ESSIDs:
    • Eduroam
    • UniOfCam (was Lapwing)
    • Internal-CL for users who need a Computer Lab IP address
    • A wgb "open access" guest network
    • An old (deprecated) w-107-CB3-0FD wireless network.

See for more information.

Customer-base for this Service

  • The customer-based depends on the ESSID:
    • All Eduroam users (on Eduroam)
    • All valid Raven accounts and UniOfCam ticket holders (on UniOfCam)
    • On Internal-CL Authorisation is based on a CRSID linked to the CL (i.e. all lab members) and like Eduroam
    • "Guests" (on wgb)
    • Staff and research students (on the old and depricated w-107-CB3-0FD)


  • Free to all the customer-base


  • N/A

Service Desk Call Handling Procedure

  • RT tickets can be escalated by changing the Queue to backoffice with the Owner set to Nobody and the Status as new. Tell the requestor:
    I am passing this request over to the experts who, I'm sure, will be in contact shortly.

UniOfCam tickets for Events

UniOfCam tickets for Events that require wireless network access can be generated using the Computer Lab UniOfCam Ticket Console at send the requestor both a CSV file (Save) and a PDF file (Print) of their tickets. (You may need to install CutePDF Writer & the converter to print to a PDF file in Windows.)

Internal-CL access

Access to the CL-Intenral wireless network is provided by default for all members of the department. Additional people can be added provided their use is legitimate by adding them to the lookup group cl-network-access (this is the same group that controls use of our VPN as they logically achieve the same goal of giving the user a CL IP address).

  • Add the user to the lookup group
  • Stall the ticket until their usage is due to end and add as a comment a note on ticket to remove them from the group at that date
  • Change the ticket title to Remove user from cl-netowrk-access (Was: <<old subject>>)

after their period of use ends the ticket will become live again the user should be removed from the lookup group.

Note that Linux users will need to set their anonymouns identity to be the same as their outer identity i.e. a crsid must be given not just




  • 24x7

Hints, Tips & Known Issues


Firstname Lastname (Date)

The info...

Categorising Keywords

  • Wireless Network Access Eduroam UniOfCam w-107-CB3-0FD wgb