System resources access diagram
<on arrival>
Proposed changes/additions to the CL wiki:
> On 22 Apr 2015, at 14:09, Ian Mackey via RT <> wrote:
> Advice please:
> Who might I ask to have a look at the machines in a room for noise, etc.?
gt19:Change the ticket to hw-admin and email Nick Baterham ( to alert him.
Subject: Re: [ #95369] [Comment] DHCP failing (Re: DHCP request now processed)
> Most of our VLANs do not use dynamic DHCP addresses so in most cases you
> need to add an address to the DNS when a new machine is added to the VLAN.
Piete Brooks:
When you add the DHCP registration on the VLAN to the host, it says whether it is static or dynamic (there is a pull down menu which allows you to select if both are available)
In the last comment I responded with the fact that Vince and I responded with "... but we cannot change that from static"