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The Raven-related software described on this page is NOT supported or maintained by University Information Services. It is provided here in the hope that it may be useful, but it may contain bugs and security vulnerabilities. It may be supported and maintained by others. You should evaluate whether it meets you particular needs before using it.

MoinMoin is a Python-based wiki.

Authenticate users via Raven and then auto-creating accounts is very easy to do, and is supported out-of-the box without hacking the MoinMoin code. However it needs the 'AAForceAuthType' directive which is only available in mod_ucam_webauth version 1.4.1 and above.

  1. Firstly ensure you are using MoinMoin 1.5 or above.
  2. Set up container-based authentication in Apache, as you would have to do anyway, using e.g.
<Location />
	Deny from all
	AuthType Ucam-WebAuth
	AADescription "St Botolph's College wiki"
	Require user spqr1 abc123
	Satisfy any
	# AAForceAuthType in the following line makes Apache think mod_ucam_webauth is actually providing 'Basic' authentication
	AAForceAuthType Basic

You should then have a wiki with authenticated access.

To add recognition of the username and auto-creation of accounts, follow the instructions at , namely: add the following to

    from MoinMoin.auth import http
    auth = [http]
    user_autocreate = True

(bear in mind that this must be indented correctly in the config file) and that should just work.

The same principle applies if not using Raven as the authentication mechanism - MoinMoin supports autocreation of users.