Installing SP2.x under Linux
Currently these instructions apply specifically to installs on SLES 10 using UCS-supplied RPMs (which support i386 and x86_64 architectures). See NativeSPLinuxInstall in the Internet2 Wiki for instructions on installing in other versions of Linux, and then adapt these instructions accordingly. Note that Internet2 distribute binary RPMs for CentOS versions 4 and 5 on i386 and x86_64 architectures and that source RPMs corresponding to the UCS distribution are also available. [Note that (as of October 2009) the situation appears to have changed and Internet2 now apparently distribute binary RPMs for at least some SuSE products].
Currently these instructions also assumes you are using the prefork version Apache - this may or may not all work with worker. We also assume that your web server serves a single site - virtual hosting issues are addressed later.
Download and install SLES 10 RPMs from the Raven project site. Download and install the latest RPM for each of the following (you can ignore devel, debuginfo, or docs packages):
log4shib xerces-c xml-security-c xmltooling opensaml shibboleth
and any of their dependencies.
In /etc/shibboleth:
- replace the supplied shibboleth2.xml and attribute-map.xml with Shibboleth2.xml - internal use skeleton and Attribute-map.xml - internal use skeleton respectively (copies also installed by the RPMs in files with names ending UCAMSKEL)
- find all occurrences of 'FIX-ME' in the new shibboleth2.xml and replace them as directed in the adjacent comments (see Editing XML and EntityIDs for useful background).
Run (as root)
/usr/sbin/shibd -t
and expect to see "overall configuration is loadable, check console for non-fatal problems". Fix any reported mistakes.
Start shibd (as root) with
/etc/init.d/shibd start
[Note: "Starting shibd listener failed to enter listen loop" means that you were not root]. See /var/log/shibboleth/shibd.log for startup messages. The Shibboleth RPM will have already set shibd to restart on boot.
(Re-)start Apache. In case of failure see /var/log/apache2/error_log
Access http://<hostname>/secure/. You should be redirected to Raven to authenticate, be asked to accept release of your information, and then see a 404 error page from your server (because you have no content in the requested location). See /var/log/apache2/error_log, /var/log/shibboleth/shibd.log and /var/log/shibboleth/transaction.log for clues if something goes wrong. Feel free to create some content in /srv/www/htdocs/secure/ for a better demonstration.
Assuming this works, visit http://<hostname>/Shibboleth.sso/Session to check that attribute information is being released to your SP. You should see a page containing something like:
Attributes ---------- affiliation:; entitlement: urn:mace:dir:entitlement:common-lib-terms eppn:
You now have a web server running the Shibboleth SP software and protecting the content of http://<hostname>/secure/ by requiring an authenticated Raven login (by anyone). Where you go from here depends on what you want to do. Topics to consider include: