The Embedding API
Adding a small amount of HTML to your web pages allows you to embed a live version of the map in your own site.
IFRAME (manually embedding the map)
To embed a map in another web page, simply use an IFRAME, like this:
<iframe src=url>(non-iframe text)</iframe>
where url is a standard map linking URL - see The Map URL API. For example:
<iframe src=""></iframe>
Typically your CSS will set the width and height of the IFRAME, though you can also do this directly:
<iframe src="" style="width: 400px; height: 400px;"></iframe>
The presentation is slightly different from the full page for the same URL in that only the map is displayed without any ancillary information, titling, branding etc. The height and/or width of the iframe can be specified relative to the height/width of its containing elements (e.g. "width: 100%"). If the containing element changes size, as is common in responsive design, the map will adapt to the new size.
We suggest not using the bounding box or ref form of URL for embedding a map relevant to an institution. By using the simple name of the institution or its code, then the map will
- adjust if the institution moves (using a bounding box or building reference leaves it showing the old geographical location)
- centre on the institution concerned
- show a marker for just the institution concerned, not all of its neighbbours
The src link can include an annotation overlay or positioning fragment.
Note that if your page is served using HTTPS, you will also need to use https to retrieve the map, otherwise users will receive messages warning about mixed and unprotected content on the page:
<iframe src=""></iframe>
Firefox version 23 (and presumably later) actually blocks such content entirely if http is used in the iframe src when embedding in an https page.
If you can serve the same pages using either protocol, you can arrange for the map to serve using the same protocol as the page in which it is embedded by omitting the protocol, just starting with the two slashes, thus:
<iframe src="//"></iframe>
oEmbed (automatically recognising a map URL)
What is oEmbed?
oEmbed is a protocol which enables a content management system (such as Wordpress), to recognise a URL representing a resource (such as a video) on a remote web site (such as YouTube) and replace it with HTML which presents the resource directly instead of the link to it.
In this way, an author of an article can just copy the URL to the resource and include it in their article and the system does the rest.
Most CMSs that understand oEmbed come with some URLs built-in for widely known services, like YouTube. For others, such as the University Map, you have to tell the system about the additional URLs it should recognise. This differes between systems.
Basic information
oEmbed comprises two pieces of information which you need to tell the CMS about, the URL scheme and the API endpoint. The first is a pattern or URLs which the CMS will recognise for substitution and the second is a URL from which it can obtain the corresponding HTML to substitute. See the specification for more details.
For the University map, these two are:
- URL scheme:*
- API endpoint:
Providing these to a compliant CMS will then allow you to include URLs such as
to your articles and have them substituted with the corresponding map. Obtain these URLs from the address bar in the browser after you have done the relevant search in the map. You can also include markers, overlaid annotation etc in these URLs.
You can add knowledge of University Map URLs to Wordpress in two ways:
- by installing a plugin, provided below.
- programatically, as a PHP function call in the file functions.php for the theme you are intended to use
- Download the plugin from
- If you have Wordpress installed on a server where the dashboard has permission to write to your files, install it using Add New at the top of the Plugins page in the control panel; upload the zip file; and then activate the plugin.
- If you don't have dashboard access, upload the zip file to the wp-content/plugins directory in your Wordpress installation, unzip it, delete the zip file and then go to the Plugins page on the Wordpress dashboard and activate the plugin. Alternatively, if you can't unzip on the server, first unzip the zip file you downloaded and then upload the unzipped files (they are small). (Uploading will usually be via SCP, SFTP or FTP or a server control panel such as cPanel).
The relevant Wordpress function is wp_oembed_add_provider
Add it to your theme code like this:
function ucammapoembed_handler() { wp_oembed_add_provider('*', ''); } add_action( 'init', 'ucammapoembed_handler' );