From University Map Wiki
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- I'd like to be informed about future developments to the map
- Announcements about the map will be made to the ucam-map@lists.cam.ac.uk mailing list. Feel free to subscribe to this low-volume list.
- What sort of feedback are you looking for on this 'beta' release?
- We're interested in at least bugs, 'didn't do what I expected's, usability issues (though many are going to be intractable), suggestions, and reports of factual errors. All to the UCS Service Desk service-desk@ucs.cam.ac.uk or on-line to http://issues.map.cam.ac.uk/ please.
- Why does the map display so badly on mobile phones?
- The feasibility study that resulted in the map as it appears at the moment only included desktop display. We know how we want to do a mobile version and we've made provision for this. One of the things we know we need to do before a full launch is complete this.