Project Darknet
Client: Russell Bender, Potential Difference <>
"Darknet" is a new experimental theatre production under development by a Cambridge graduate for performance next year. It explores computer hacking, cyber espionage and cyber warfare and aims to give the audience an experience of the dark side of internet use. We're not sure if this is legal*, but we've been thinking that we might use data from the theatre ticket booking system to mess with their minds at some point during the show and make them feel like they have been hacked. Your job is to build a system that helps us do this by any means you can think of. You can assume that there will be a data projector built into the set or lighting design, that there's a sound system, that we can change the script, and we can ask the audience to leave their phones on ... we have their numbers (and also their seats)!. It's up to you to create effects that will take the story somewhere a little creepy.
- (oh, alright … we'll ask their permission first)