Service Desk Knowledgebase: Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS)

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This is the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) content page of the CL Wiki Service Desk Knowledgebase. Its purpose is to provide information to the Service Desk team on how to handle problems and requests about this *NON-CL* service. If you know more about this service please feel free to add to the knowledge about that it.

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*NON-CL* Key Service Description & Information

Service Desk Call Handling Procedure

  • Customers can be passed to the USS by referring them to the contact information below. RT tickets should then have the Status set to Resolved.


Additional Staff Resources

Hints & Tips about this Service

Can't submit an initial or additional on-line USS consultation response Bruce Beckles (20/12/10)

Unfortunately there is nothing we can do to remedy this problem as we do not administer the USS consultation website. However, there is an alternative mechanism that can be used to submit a response for the official USS consultation that you can use instead, as follows:

  • Send your response to Mrs Sue Curryer, the Head of Pensions Administration, whose e-mail address is:

Subject: USS Consultation

...making clear in the body of the email that this is your response for the USS consultation.

  • You should also say in your e-mail whether you wish the response to be

submitted anonymously or whether you are happy to have your name associated with it.

See page 4 of

A blank response form has been made available at which you may wish to look at to see how to structure your response.

Catalogue Keywords

  • Non-CL Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS)