Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (UROP)
The development and maintenance of the UROP programme has been a major Crucible initiative since 2002. Initially based on the UROP programme at MIT, and developed by David Good within the education programme of the Cambridge-MIT Institute, the programme has since been maintained with funding from the Newton Trust, and from EPSRC (coordinated by Alan Blackwell)
UROP programme coordinators:
- Alan Blackwell
- Rex Britter
- Hugh Shercliff
- Igor Wowk
- Keith Johnstone
- David Buscher
- Rob Wallach
- Robin Boast
- Gavin Burnage
Specific cross-disciplinary projects funded under the UROP scheme include:
1. Software techniques for integrating digital video into language learning Supervised by Gavin Burnage Student Dominic Smith
2. Register in the History of Spanish
Supervised by Chris Pountain
Student Gemma Wheeler and Julia Angell
James Mead worked on Dasher
Chris Smowton worked on Dasher
Gareth Bailey, Hugh Warrington, Mattias Linnap, Vincent Chen, Vilius Naudziunas
Kirsty McDougall, supervised a student working on Forensic speaker identification Student- Qinkan Wu
Social Anthropology online video library Contact: Paul Sumption / Alan Macfarlane Student: Dahir Alissan
Investigated online interface to the Social Anthropology video library of approximately 3000 films.
3D control of music structures - supervised by Chris Nash - student Tris Bracey - working with Alejandro Viñao
Statistical analysis of violin timbre perception Supervisor: Claudia Fritz/Ian Cross Student: Andrew Norman
Software for dance Supervisor: Luke Church Student: Cheryl Hung
ReadYourMeter.org Supervisors: Luke Church, Ian Davies, Andrew Rice, Alan Blackwell, David MacKay Ravi Rayan, Pete Calvert, Dan Ryder-Cook
Supervisor: Luke Church Student: Adona Iosif
Evolutionary blending of 3D surface models - part of the Coded Chimera project Student Graeme Morgan
Student: John Lawson - part of the Flagship Retrofit project
Student Rory McCann - part of the Flagship Retrofit project
Student Tom Whitehead - Taxonomic inference project