Raven-enabled services
This section of the Wiki lists University services that are making use of Raven. As well as providing an advertisment for each service, this list (though it will never be complete) may prove useful in demonstrating the take-up of Raven and in ensuring that it continues to recieve the support and resources that it needs.
Please extend this list.
Central Services
Central Administration
Various web sites, including http://www.admin.cam.ac.uk/, http://www.camsis.cam.ac.uk/, allows access to 'university only' material to anyone who can authenticate via Raven.
The University Student Information System, CamSIS, uses Raven for all user authentication.
Computing Service
Various web sites, including the University main web site, allowsaccess to 'University only' material to anyone who can authenticate via Raven.
The web interface to the lookup Directory requires Raven authentication.
The University Computing Service's administrative database, Jackdaw, manages @cam e-mail addresses and IP addresses and uses Raven to identify its users.
Access to results from the Friendly probing system are available via Raven authentication.
Acces to the index which lists both publicly available documents, and documents restricted to University of Cambridge maintained by the University-wide search engine is possible from outside the University network for Raven-authenticated users.
University Library
Access to some electronic journals from outside the University network is available to people who can authenticate via Raven.
The Union Catalogue Project support site, Libraries@Cambridge, uses Raven to identify its users.
Computing Service
Uses Raven intrenally to control access to a Wiki (Mediawiki), a request ticketing system (RT), some other 'Intranet' resources.
Centre for Applied Research in Educational Technologies
Users of Coursework, http://wiki.caret.cam.ac.uk/ are authenticated via Raven.
CamTools, an implimentation of the Sakai VLE due for release in September 2006 will use Raven for authentication.
The Cambridge Colleges' Online Reporting System for Supervisions, CamCORS, uses Raven for all user authentication.
Kings have a Raven-enabled copy of NoCat running.
A Raven-authenticated formal hall booking system.
- A raven authenticated wiki for the mcr: [1]
- A raven authenticated formal hall, punt and other event booking system [2]
The JCSU (Jesus College Student Union) webserver runs mod_ucam_webauth to protect several resources, including: