Main Page

From University Map Wiki
Revision as of 10:02, 27 June 2012 by jw35 (talk | contribs)
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This wiki contains information about the new, Open Street Map based University Map. The information here is target at webmasters and developers who want to make use of the various facilities offered by the map service, or who want to contribute to the underlying Open Street Map data on which the map is based. Many of these pages have yet to be populated.

The map can be accessed at, but it is currently undergoing closed trials - please email if you'd like access, explaining why you want it.

Introduction and examples
An introduction to what you can do with the map and some examples
How to link to the map to display various things.
The Embedding API
How to easily embed the maps in other web pages
The Tile API
How to use the map tiles provided to create your own maps
The Database API
How to access the information database underlying the map
Accessing Open Street Map
How to interact with the data in Open street Map
Case Studies
Examples and case studies from people using the map
Frequently (or at least occasionally) asked questions

Map documentation

Map updating procedure (draft)