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Design Briefs for Cambridge University Computer Laboratory Group Design Projects 2021

This page currently lists design briefs under development. Any feedback or suggestions are welcome, to

All content on this site has draft status, subject to confirmation by both group project coordinators and project clients. There is no guarantee that these projects will be offered to students, either in the form described here, or at all.

Intellectual property

Notes on Intellectual property

Client briefing

Information on Logistics for Clients

Information for students, and course history:

Information for Directors of Studies

Information for the Coordinators

Management timetable for 2023

Master timetable for the course:

Work in progress - design briefs for 2024

Notes on: What makes a good project?

In 2024, we expect there will be 138 students, so 23 project teams of 6. We aim to advertise at least 25 design briefs, to allow for necessary cancellations.

Confirmed design briefs for 2024

  1. Acoustic Land Management
  2. Braille Predictive Text
  3. Climate Foresight
  4. Component Quest
  5. Copilot for Business
  6. Creative Writing Coach
  7. Disability Bias Explorer
  8. DoS D-Stress
  9. Envisioning Nairobi
  10. Future Health and Fitness
  11. Heterodox Economic Modeller
  12. Influencing Health
  13. Investment Provenance
  14. Memories Retold
  15. Optimising Music Notation
  16. P2P Social Network
  17. Ramping Up Sustainable Crops
  18. Real-pedia
  19. Supply Chain Resilience
  20. Talking Music
  21. Taste: Movies x Books x Music
  22. Testing for Humans
  23. Visiting the Forest Stream
  24. Wearable Sleep Coach
  25. World Craft

Design briefs being considered for 2024

  1. The Big Chill
  2. AfroInsight
  3. Dignified Distributed Work
  4. Leadership Transition Simulator
  5. Environmental Value Added
  6. Just Maps
  7. The Carbon Eye
  9. Guitar tab2hand
  10. Non-WEIRD Data Science

Possible clients for 2024

Confirmed clients for 2024

Projects to be deferred to 2025

Incubator and network contacts

Projects that were offered in 2023

  1. A Teaspoon of Video
  2. AI Hype Monitor
  3. Automatic Entrepreneur
  4. Autonomous Trucking
  5. Don’t Stop the Music
  6. Electric Motor Optimisation
  7. Email Diplomacy
  8. Fossil or Future?
  9. Genomics for the COVID Endemic
  10. iMoji
  11. Just Maps
  12. Keeping Key-Workers
  13. Likeness Trainer
  15. NFTs for Digital CVs
  16. Physical Computing for Beginners
  17. Rational Trading
  18. Real Life Arabic
  19. Responsible AI Copilot
  20. Responsible Construction
  21. Robot Farm Monitor
  22. Signs of our Times
  23. Speak in the Country

Development notes carried forward from 2021

Other clients from 2021

Previous ideas that have not been used

  • Character Locomotion Middleware - Frontier
  • Automatic accessibility assessor - Frontier

Potential clients that did not proceed, but could be considered in future

Archived records of previous years













Selected design briefs from earlier years

Projects that have been offered, but not assigned to groups

The usual reason for cancelling a project is that the topic has not attracted sufficient interest from students. It's worth keeping an eye on these, as some topics, or ways of phrasing them, seem less attractive. But fashions change!